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Dog called Charmander

Dog called Charmander

One day a friend of mine went travelling,

on the way back she saw a poor little pup on

the streets.

Heartbreaking moment.

Next moment, Lara with all her graces rescued

the little dog, beyond borders managed to bring

him back to London, UK.


His physic and colour reminded them of a character

from Pokemon hence the name Charmander.


Charmander after a few years has developed many

things; his big paws, cute pink nose and fire-like and

gentle physic-also developed infinite nicknames

some very hard to pronounce and interesting sounds

other than Lara and her partner Tiff can create -

which are all signs that Charmander is surrounded

by love.


I looked after Chamander few years back,

honestly I was petrified with dogs.

Historically growing up in the Philippines we mainly

had stray dogs and they usually bite. I was bitten

couple of times when I was a child, one I remember

because the dog bit my bum cheek.

That was not at all fun.


I wasn't sure how he was going to

behave and that in my head he was going to eat all


paintings and anything that he could lay his eyes on.

So I kept my eyes on him and took care of him best

I could.

As the days pass, Char and I hanged out. I painted

and he slept.

He sleeps a lot!

My anxiety on dogs subsided thanks to Char.

He is super chilled almost like having a cat, though

better because he stays around and loves you all the

time and not just when they want food,

though he loves you even more when you feed him.


Since then I love all dogs - actually.. all animals.

Thank you Char <3 you beautiful little dragon!





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